Sunday, July 15, 2007

With friends like these...

CJ: Greetings blog minions. How's it going? Yes I know it's been a while since Peaches and I have officially blooged but reality comes in the way sometimes. Doesn't it Peaches?

Peaches: Yes it does CJ and it sucks ass!

CJ: Awww how come?

Peaches: Because I have this friend. you could say but right now she is on shit list.

CJ: Ooo the shit list... I have many of my friends on that at the moment.

Peaches: Well not really shit she is on the list that is going in a different direction then I am. She asked me "Can aquintences get mad at each other? or Considering if the friends are technically no longer friends?"

CJ: And what did you say?

Peaches: They could get mad at each other. So can friends even if they are not the best of friends like they once were? We are human. Anyone can get mad at anyone for many different reasons. I am not sure what brought on the question. I still consider you as a friend even though we dont talk much at all or hang out as much as we used to. It's life people grow up, people grow apart. Its what we do that makes us human. Not everyone is the same. Everyone is going to change one way or another. As for me, I have more aquintences then friends. I feel I am a likeable person, as you are too. We are in a moment in our life that is no longer the same but yet totally different, yet we still get along and we know the we will be there for each other when ever something has happened to us and we want to share the joy with each other, cause that is who we are. I would love to have another friend that understands me like you did "Bob".. I am not sure if you understand me now in my life cause I think I am at a point in my life that I am changing so much that I barely know where my life is going now. I am not the same person I once was, and yet neither are you but yet you still have the same qualities I like about as a friend. To which I am not sure if you do the same to me. But that is okay. Life is going to change whether we like it or not. My aquintences there great people but there not people that I see myself with in a nother 10 years or to tell a secret too. I dont even see us as friends in another 10 years but i know we will see each other in passing. I know we are growing apart. I know my life is headed somewhere to a place I never expected but what do you say? Life is Life, You have to make yourself Happy before you can make anyone else Happy. If your not Happy then No One is Happy. I learned that from a speaker named V.J. Smith. Be Happy with yourself, praise your accomplishments "Bob". And once you do so Everything will fall into place. I have faith in you. You are a great person, you listen, and give great advice. But use your head in life, and your heart. Do what you feel is right. Dont do what someone else wants you to do. Do what you want to do. Be careful, and look all 4 ways.

CJ: Damn Peaches.. that was pretty deep. I'm having major friend issues with a best friend now that she's going into her own directions. I mean it's like a band or a team's split up you know. No more Batman and Robin. No more Thelma and Louis. No more Shrek and Donkey.

Peaches: I know what you mean CJ. The point in having friends is someone you can fall back on when times are rough, cause unlike family a girl has to have friends. Family is always there but friends come and go we should always hold our friends close even if they are going in different directions.

CJ: Tell that to Robin who's desserted Batman. I mean this one has a fiance and I'm happy for her... really I am but how about a call or something once in a while? I know I'm a difficlut friend sometimes but hey you never had a problem for six years why do you so sudddenly have one now? And when I've been there for her everytime... always said yes to her and when I request something from her it's always a "I can't!" I swear it feels like it's not worth having friends anymore... have friends but don't keep them close to your heart. I feel screwed over!

Peaches: I feel the same really I do. What I have a problem with is why ask me over the internet instead of a call. When calling to me is soo much easier with my friend "Bob". I also have a friend "Blondie" who I have known for ever and she only calls when she wants to do something but when ever I call she never returns my call. All in All I wish I had friends that understand me like they use too. But they dont anymore... too many are hooked on there boyfriends or there fiance and too many of them go out and party. I feel screwed over by friends too.

CJ: I know... I talk to my "best friend" on msn when we live 20 mins apart. The only reason I get when I ask her why can't we hang out often is "TRAFFIC! If you drove you'd understand" And I'd always say I do understand but what I don't understand that despite the traffic why can't you atleast come and hang out with me once a month? Sheesh! Anyways... forget about that... let's have some happy thoughts... *The good Doctor's giving me a foot rub*

Peaches: Oh there you go fancing that Doctor of yours...dont know what you see in him but whatever makes you happy lol

CJ: You know I can go on forever if you want me to tell you what I see in him... he's adorable!

Peaches: Well then we better stop now cause I dont think i can take anymore of The Good Doctor. Lets switch it over to Mr. Alex Mclean of BSB...he is heaven let me tell you.

CJ: Hmm yeah... but speaking of BSB Congrats to Kevin and Kristin on becoming parents. That boy is going to grow up to be a heartbreaker like his daddy.

Peaches: Yes and Also Congrats to my friend Dustin and Chantel on there new baby Aden Matthew was born just 2 days ago.

CJ: Awww don't you love babies? I love babies. I can't wait to have babies... but first I need a man make to make 'em with. Oye ve but that's another topic for discussion.

Peaches: I agree Peaches... I would love to have babies but wanting a man is definetly another subject.

CJ: Yup maybe we might tackle it in our next blog. But until then wish me good luck because I'm gonna have a Telephonic Interview with a BPO company in Bombay. So until next time... peace out, ROCK ON!, keep your noses clean, use condoms and for heaven sake hold on to your friends. Mmmmwah!

Peaches: Well Its been fun. I need a drink need some lovin too. All in all its been a good week. Love ya Readers!

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